How to Find a Facebook User ID

The Facebook Like button is ever more prevalent, with countless uses all over the web, but many site administrators will want to control the way that 'Likes' for their sites appear on users' news feeds, in particular by specifying their own logo or graphic to accompany the story. In order to do this, Facebook requires that the 'Liked' page participate in the Open Graph , so that an Open Graph image can be specified. This is a relatively straight-forward affair, involving the addition of a collection of <meta> tags defining og: properties (which, annoyingly don't validate as compliant HTML, but that's another story), but there is one requirement that appears to have been added after the initial roll-out, as pages that omitted it worked before and then suddenly stopped working. That requirement is for the specification of fb:app_id or fb:admins in order to provide administrative authority for your pages within the Open Graph. While fb:app_id (A...