Initial iPad Thoughts

Having had a few hours to digest the Apple iPad announcement, I thought I'd share a few of my thoughts. These points are based solely on the material released by Apple so far, so specifications may change before the hardware is released to the public. Initial Feeling Watching the video on, the most compelling things for me were the web browsing and email experience. I already know how good it is to browse the web on the iPhone and iPod Touch, and the ~10" screen of the iPad can only make this better, so I'm inclined to agree with Apple that iPad may well be 'the best' way to surf the net, especially from the couch in front of the TV, so my initial feeling was along the lines of 'if the price point is good, I'll have one of those...'. Apple's shiny hardware, slick presentation and well-integrated software suite certainly did the job of making the iPad a desirable item for me. Rationality Kicks In The vast majority of my computing time is...